Breaking the apathy perpetuated by the Mainstream Media and politics as usual. Wake Up America airs live on Break The Matrix Join us M-F 9-11am EST.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Wake Up America Street Team Laptop Chip In

Help us take Wake Up America's message of Freedom and Liberty to the streets of Atlanta as we interact with regular folks to discuss the ideas of Liberty!! Interact with folks who may be asleep or can help me interview regular folks and suggest & design the street shows. We want your ideas of questions to ask and themes of each show.

If you want to sponsor the WUA Freedom Reality shows your business will be featured!!

We will also do interviews Freedom Reality at it best right here on WUA but we need your help.

We need a solid laptop to make this happen..

Peter Schiff on

Rick Williams interviews Peter Schiff on on the Show!

Vote it up here:

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Update - Money, Bailouts, Experts, Activists!! Wake Up America Show...

Monday November 17th interview Kevin Zeese discussed the bailout and issues surrounding it. He also explains how is taking the lead to stop this plundering of the American individual tax dollars.

Check out the full interview here:


Don't miss Dr. Janice Dorn at 10am Eastern for another action packed sad but comedic breakdown of the BREAKDOWN in the economy...

Be a Leader in Liberty!
Kurt Wallace

Wednesday, November 12, 2008 launched today

A new transpartisan effort has been launched check it out:

Break The Bailout!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fox's Andy Levy inteviews Ron Paul and Break The Matrix!

Andy Levy of Fox News interviews Ron Paul and others at the Rally for the Republic...he even interviewed me about Break the Matrix....

Find more videos like this on The Activity Pit

Heres the full footage uncut and recorded by Break the Matrix...

Vote it up here...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Adam Kokesh interview by Kurt Wallace at the Rally for the Republic

Here is the entire interview with Adam Kokesh of

Adam will join me Monday Sept. 8th at 9am eastern goto Channel 1 and dont forget to vote the "Break It" button below.

Do you want to get involved in this interview? Send me an email to my BTM Blog:

Watch the full interview from backstage of the Rally for the Republic now!!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Somebodys Watching Me, FISA? Courts? Who Cares? DO YOU?

There is a money bomb today to take down the congressmen that voted your rights away!!

Voters on the Left have joined voters on the Right to expose both Democrats and Replublicans in congress that care not for ANY of the voters 4th amendment rights to privacy!!

Watch this!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Announcing the Liberty Straw Poll

We are looking forward to the Liberty Straw Poll event on Sept. 17th. Can you say 535 seats that need to be filled with Liberty!!??!!

Thanks to Michael Nystrom for posting this at CFL:

It is indeed an honor for me to participate in an event that includes the candidates who we are looking to take the torch of freedom that has been carried by Ron Paul for 3 decades. Its time for us all to stand up and get our voices heard. Whats great about this event is that we will be hearing some of those who will be on Capitol Hill in January.

I have interviewed many of the congressional candidates and this forum is a wonderful opportunity to show your support. Additionally, the round table includes two great voices Thomas E. Woods and Jack Hunter.

See you on Constitution Day Sept. 17th on


Monday, July 14, 2008

Bryan, Raymond, Rahn and A-G1RL, Rick and BTM Viewers THANKS!!

Big shout out to Bryan, Raymond, Rahn and A-G1RL for their amazing efforts in bringing the freedom movement "together". That was the output/outcome which occurred on Saturday-bringing freedom minded "individual citizens of the US" together.

Bryan and Raymond of Revolution Broadcasting thru this incredible coordination of the march invited their good friend and BTM's A-G1RL to walk with them leading the march, while Rahn on his own initiative utilized BTM's platform impromptu to bring us (those who couldn't attend) visual/audio coverage which there was none from our MSM sellouts. Rahn and A-G1RL bringing us "together" with our friends at the march-HUGE success.

Let’s not forget Rick Williams and his tireless effort to carry the network in studio coverage for the entire time during long-live event coverage breaks taking calls, talking freedom and maintaining a consistent viewer ship of 400-500. Keeping us "together" and having a serious-party focused on the concerns of today, educating us on the core root causes of the attacks on freedom and taking calls from some of the most insightful, grounded, clear minded freedom voices out there (the viewers).

Thank you big time to "the viewers" the ones who watched and especially the ones who called into the show. WOW!! We have some amazing people across this country who truly understand how important it is to be free and the critical thinking plus insight clearly is in the viewers of BTM, their contribution to Saturday's coverage in some ways carried the day for me. BTM viewer callers were powerfully-inspiring demonstrating the force of caring Americans nationwide and they brought us "together" too.

All I can say to the very miniscule base of shillish-naysayers with your pitiful efforts to fracture the freedom cause and keep us divided is you are failing and your glaring defects to try putting others down to build yourselves up is sadly transparent.

The visionaries of the freedom cause and the overwhelming majority have enough sense to know:

United we Stand ~ Divided we Fall

So big shout out to you, Saturday’s shining visionaries:

Bryan~Raymond~Rahn~A-G1RL~Rick Williams and the BTM Viewers/Callers of America

Thank you

Monday, April 21, 2008

New Website for Wake Up America Show

We are excited about the changes happening with Wake Up America. You can find us at our new website:

I will continue to visit and update this site from time to time however the above site will be the new home of Wake Up America Show.

If you would like to contact me please email me at:

Thanks for your support!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 14th - April 18th Guest Interviews Schedule and Archives

This week on Wake Up America we have a great line up of guests. Check back often this week's schedule will be updated as we book guests.

Monday April 14th

9:00am Talk Radio

9:40am Dr. Rodney Sampson

10:20am "Mondays with Murray" This new weekly segment features Murray Sabrin to discuss critical issues facing America -

Tuesday April 15th

9:00 am Rally in Washington DC

9:40am Rally in Washington DC

10:20am Financial Fitness with Dr. Janice Dorn

Wednesday April 16th

9:00am Talk Radio

9:40am Talk Radio

10:20am Talk Radio

Thursday April 17th

9:00am -Michael Hargadon Republican Candidate U.S. Congress 7th District

9:40am Pat Gorman

10:20am Brenda Cobb

Friday April 18th

9:00am Richard Winger - Ballot access expert

9:40am John Wallace NY Candidate for Congress -

10:20am Dean Martens founded Herbs of Light, Inc. as a vehicle to assist people in regaining their health. He lectures throughout the country on "Taking Responsibility", which examines the lifestyle that bring back and maintains health and the role of herbs within that process -

Monday, April 7, 2008

April 7th - April 11th Guest Interviews Schedule and Archives

This week on Wake Up America we have a great line up of guests. Check back often this week's schedule will be updated as we book guests.

Monday April 7th

9:00am Talk Radio

Listen here:

9:40am Talk Radio

10:20am "Mondays with Murray" This new weekly segment features Murray Sabrin to discuss critical issues facing America -

Listen here:

Tuesday April 8th

9:00 am Talk Radio

9:40am Talk Radio

10:20am Financial Fitness with Dr. Janice Dorn

Wednesday April 9th

9:00am Talk Radio

9:40am Greg Lewis - Candidate for US Congress District 8 Florida -

10:20am Talk Radio

Thursday April 10th

9:00am - Talk Radio

9:40am - Pat Gorman - Author of The Value of Honest Money - Chairman/ Constitution Mining Corp.

10:20am William Lewis - Currently based in Columbia, Missouri, William Lewis is a writer, civil rights advocate,and award winning independent filmmaker specializing in producing patriotic-style documentaries
that expose governmental abuse of power and focus viewers on a wide range of grassroots solutions.

Friday April 11th

9:00am Talk Radio

9:40am Talk Radio

10:20am Duncan McPherson, aka MoRTiS NoCTu, 20 years old, is a guitarist and Music Business Major @ Berklee College of Music, who is currently taking some time off from school, and in his effort to help restore sound money, has formed one of the newest Liberty Dollar Regional Currency Offices in the country, Liberty Dollar of Boston.

Friday, March 28, 2008

US Military Vet Suicide Rate the #1 Reason to withdraw

March 31st- April 4th Guest Interviews Schedule and Archives

This week on Wake Up America we have a great line up of guests. Check back often this week's schedule will be updated as we book guests.
Monday March 30th

9:00am Collins Bailey - Candidate for US Congress for Maryland's 5th Congressional district

9:40am Jonathan Bydlak was the former fundraising director for the Ron Paul presidential campaign, and he is now in process of founding his own educational non-profit

10:20am "Mondays with Murray" This new weekly segment features Murray Sabrin to discuss critical issues facing America -

Tuesday March 25th

9:00 am The "Southern Avenger" Jack Hunter is a conservative commentator (WTMA 1250 AM talk radio) and columnist (Charleston City Paper) living in Charleston, South Carolina - -

9:40am Talk Radio

10:20am Financial Fitness with Dr. Janice Dorn

Wednesday March 26th

9:00am Talk Radio

9:40am Talk Radio

10:20am Talk Radio

Thursday March 27th

9:00am - Talk Radio Rebroadcast

9:40am Talk Radio Rebroadcast

10:20am Talk Radio Rebroadcast

Friday March 28th

9:00am BJ Lawson - Candidate for US Congress North Carolina 4th District -

9:40am Talk Radio

10:20am Dean Martens - Dean Martens founded Herbs of Light, Inc. as a vehicle to assist people in regaining their health. He lectures throughout the country on "Taking Responsibility", which examines the lifestyle that bring back and maintains health and the role of herbs within that process -

Thursday, March 13, 2008

March 24th-28th Guest Interviews Schedule and Archives

This week on Wake Up America we have a great line up of guests. Check back often this week's schedule will be updated as we book guests.

Monday March 24th

9:00am Talk Radio

9:40am Andrew Axsom - Campaign Coordinator to Rick Taylor & Advisor to Brent Sanders US Congress Louisiana

10:20am "Mondays with Murray" This new weekly segment features Murray Sabrin to discuss critical issues facing America -

Tuesday March 25th

9:00 am BJ Lawson - Candidate for US Congress North Carolina 4th District -

Listen here:

9:40am Talk Radio

10:20am Financial Fitness with Dr. Janice Dorn

Listen here:

Wednesday March 26th

9:00am Ted Keylon, long-time media activist and artist administrates the website at to encourage other artists to commemorate Ron Paul for posterity

Listen here:

9:40am Nick Russo Senior financial analyst and market strategist

Listen here:

10:20am Delia Lopez - Candidate for US Congress Oregon 3rd District

Listen here:

Thursday March 27th

9:00am - Steve Hudson Candidate for US Congress Maryland 8th District -

Listen here:

9:40am Pat Gorman - Author of The Value of Honest Money - Chairman/ Constitution Mining Corp.

Listen here:

10:20am Michael R. Edelstein, Ph.D. Clinical Psychologist Author of Three Minute Therapy

Listen here:

Friday March 28th

9:00am Talk Radio Rebroadcast

9:40am Talk Radio Rebroadcast

10:20am Talk Radio Rebroadcast

Friday, March 7, 2008

March 17th-21st Guest Interviews Schedule and Archives

This week on Wake Up America we have a great line up of guests. Check back often this week's schedule will be updated as we book guests.

Monday March 17th

9:00 am est - Dave Redick - Candidate for US Congress Wisconsin 2nd District -

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Thomas Woods Ph.D. - Senior Fellow in History Mises Institute - New York Times bestselling author The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History -

Listen here:

10:20 am est - "Mondays with Murray" This new weekly segment features Murray Sabrin to discuss critical issues facing America -

Listen here:

Tuesday March 18th

9:00 am est - Allen Buckley - Libertarian Candidate US Senate Georgia -

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Talk Radio

10:20 am est - Dr. Janice Dorn's Personal Responsibility: The Power of You &

Listen here:

Wednesday March 19th

9:00 am est - Talk Radio

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Creators of the new animation Nathan Evans & Chris Rye

Listen here:

10:20 am est -
Eric Brenner, reports news for Hot Talk 560 KSFO in San Francisco every Saturday night from 8pm to 2am. Eric has also appeared as an actor on Bay Watch and Days of Our Lives

Listen here:

Thursday March 20th

9:00 am est - Mike Hargadon US Congressional candidate Maryland 7th district

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Teresa Sheppard - Candidate for US Congress Tennesee 3rd District -

Listen here:

10:20 am est - Pat Gorman - Author of The Value of Honest Money - Chairman/ Constitution Mining Corp.

Listen here:

Friday March 21th

9:00 am est - Dean Santoro - Candidate for US Congress Florida 21st District

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Amit Singh - Candidate for US Congress Virginia 8th District -

Listen here:

10:20 am est - Dean Martens - Dean Martens founded Herbs of Light, Inc. as a vehicle to assist people in regaining their health. He lectures throughout the country on "Taking Responsibility", which examines the lifestyle that bring back and maintains health and the role of herbs within that process -

Listen here:

Thursday, March 6, 2008

March 10th-14th Guest Interviews Schedule and archives

This week on Wake Up America we have a great line up of guests. Check back often this week's schedule will be updated as we book guests.

Monday March 10th
9:00 am est - Peter James Congressional Candidate Maryland 4th District

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Ike Hall - Ron Paul 2008 Georgia State Coordinator - Ron Paul Republicans and Establishment GOP - Bridging the Gap

10:20 am est - "Mondays with Murray" This new weekly segment features Murray Sabrin - Candidate US Senate New Jersey to discuss critical issues facing America -

Listen here:

Tuesday March 11th
9:00 am est -
Dr. Janice Dorn's Personal Responsibility: The Power of You &

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Talk Radio

10:20 am est -Vern McKinley Candidate US Congress Virginia 10th District

Listen here:

Wednesday March 12th
9:00 am est -
Dean Santoro - Candidate for US Congress Florida 21st District

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Talk Radio

10:20 am est - Shaun Booth - Contributing Writer

Thursday March 13th
9:00 am est -
Talk Radio

9:40 am est - Talk Radio

10:20 am est - Talk Radio

Friday March 14th
9:00 am est -
Talk Radio

9:40 am est - Talk Radio

10:20 am est - Talk Radio


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

March 3rd-7th Guest Interviews Schedule and archives

This week on Wake Up America we have a great line up of guests. Check back often this week's schedule will be updated as we book guests.

Monday March 3rd
9:00 am est - Talk Radio

9:40 am est - Mike Taylor - Candidate for U.S. Representative, Texas District 18

Listen here:

10:20 am est - Tom Brinkman - Candidate for US House of Representatives Ohio's 2nd district

Listen here:

Tuesday March 4th
9:00 am est - Bryan Malatesta - Candidate for US Congress Texas 17th District websites:

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Ted MCAvoy - Candidate for US Congress for Michigan's 11th Congressional district -

Listen here:

10:20 am est - Alexander Nobles - Founder of the blogger site

Listen here:

Wednesday March 5th
9:00 am est - Pat Gorman -

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Charles Ferrante - Campaign Manager - Dean Santoro Congress

Listen here:

10:20 am est - Shaun Booth - Contributing writer to

Listen here:

Thursday March 6th
9:00 am est - David Franke was one of the founders of the conservative movement, and has published 10 books during his media career. He currently is editor of the website

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Greg Lewis - Candidate for US Congress District 8 Florida -

Listen here:

10:20 am est - Brent Sanders - Candidate for US Congress District 5 Louisiana -

Listen here:

Friday March 7th
9:00 am est - Marc Gallagher - Creator & contributing author of Liberty Maven, a web site, inspired by the Ron Paul movement, devoted to promoting ideas of freedom & liberty through news, commentary, original videos, and interviews.

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Geoffrey Stone - Author/Top Secret: When Our Government Keeps Us in the Dark, War and Liberty and Inalienable Rights

Listen here:

10:20 am est - George Ajjan - Campaign manager - Murray Sabrin US Senate New Jersey

Listen here:


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Feb. 25th-Feb. 29th Guest Interviews Schedule and archives

This week on Wake Up America we have a great line up of guests. Check back often this week's schedule will be updated as we book guests.

Monday Feb. 25th
9:00 am est Bryan Greene - Candidate for US House of Representatives District 10 North Carolina -

Listen here:

9:40 am est Ike Hall Georgia State Coordinator Ron Paul 2008 Campaign to discuss getting involved in your local GOP

10:20 am est George Ajjan - Campaign manager - Murray Sabrin US Senate New Jersey

Listen here:

Tuesday Feb. 26th
9:00 am est Dean Santoro - Candidate for US House of Representatives District 21 Florida -

Listen here:

9:40 am est -

10:20 am est - Granny Warriors -

Listen here:

Wednesday Feb. 27th
9:00 am est John Wallace - Candidate for US House of Representatives District 20 New York -

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Tim Cox of "GOOOH" - 'Get Out of Our House'

Listen here:

10:20 am est - Collins Bailey - Candidate for US Congress for Maryland's 5th Congressional district

Listen here:

Thursday Feb. 28th
9:00 am est Mike Smitley - Ohio

Listen here:

9:40 am est - David Simpson Candidate for US House of Representatives 1st District Louisiana -

Listen here:

10:20 am est Dr. Murray Sabrin - US Senate 2008 Candidate New Jersey

Listen here:

Friday Feb. 29th
9:00 am est - Dan Zavorka Cadidate for US House of Representatives 21st District Texas

Listen here:

9:40 am est - Steve Dore - Singer/Songwriter/Musician

Listen here:

10:20 am est - David Ryon Candidate for US House of Representatives 12th district Ohio -

Listen here:


Friday, February 22, 2008

Richard A. Viguerie Spokesman Steven J. Allen, JD, PhD Today 10:20am

Listen here:

Steven J. Allen, JD, PhD will join us today Feb 22nd 10:20am est. on Wake Up America Show to discuss Richard A. Viguerie, his operations and the Woody Jenkins for Congress donation request email sent to Ron Paul Supporters.

Steve J. Allen, JD, PhD is one of three people in the world with both a law degree and a PhD in Biodefense. Former press secretary to the chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Security and Terrorism. Former vice president of The Progress & Freedom Foundation, an Information Technology think tank in Washington, D.C. chaired by the former science advisor to President Reagan. Wrote articles for The New York Times, Newsday, WorldNetDaily, CNET’s, and hundreds of other publications. Recently wrote about Iranian chemical-biological weapons for NewsMax.


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lew Moore speaks on Richard A.Viguerie & Woody Jenkins

Listen Here:

We will be discussing an email Richard A.Viguerie sent out to Ron Paul Supporters on Feb. 19th 2008 requesting that they donate to Woody Jenkins running for Congress in Louisiana's 6th District. Woody Jenkins has a different view on the war in Iraq than Ron Paul. As well Jenkins believes we Republicans should rally behind McCain.

Seem strange? Last I checked Ron Paul was still running against McCain for President and given the interesting turn of events today with Ms. Iseman, things could be heating up...those lobbyist are something aren't they?

Did Ron Paul somehow endorse Jenkins and just forget to tell the rest of us?

It seemed logical that Ron Paul Supporters should have clarity so I called both Richard A. Viguerie's office and Woody Jenkins campaign office to get some of that good ole clarity. Left a message with Viguerie's Executive Assistant, Bob Sturm and I spoke to Jason with the Jenkins campaign and invited Woody Jenkins on the show, he has not yet accepted my invitation. I then contacted Ron Paul's campaign to see if they would like to make an official statement with regard to the email by Viguerie. And guess what? they would...

Exclusive interview is set for Thursday Feb. 21st 10am est. with Lew Moore Campaign Manager Ron Paul 2008 on Wake Up America Show

Email by Richard A Viguerie:

Richard A Viguerie's websites:

Woody Jenkins website:


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Jan. 28th-Feb. 1st Guest Interviews Schedule and archives

This week on Wake Up America we have a great line up of guests helping the Ron Paul Campaign. Check back often as schedule will be updated as week book guests.

We will be updating these files shortly after each show please check back often. Check below to listen now:

Monday Jan. 28th
9am est James Ostrowski - New York Attorney Ron Paul Campaign - his website: James Ostrowski

Listen here:

10am est Donald L. Luskin - Economic Advisor to the Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign - Chief Investment Officer, Trend Macrolytics LLC
Contributing Editor, Contributing Editor, National Review Online - his

Listen here:

Tuesday Jan 29th
9am est Peter Paul "Hillary Uncensored" Peter Paul has filed a new FEC complaint asking the Federal Election Commission to reopen its investigation of illegal contributions to Sen. Hillary Clinton

Listen here:

10am est Talk show open call in lines

Wednesday Jan. 30th
9am est Ted Anderson - and Owner/Producer of with Alex Jones & Jack Blood

Listen here:

10am est Talk show open call in lines

Thursday Jan. 31st
9am est Dean Santoro - Candidate for US House of Representatives District 21 Florida -

Listen here:

10am est Mark Augustine

Listen here:

Friday Feb. 1st
9am est Talk show open call in lines

10am est Talk show open call in lines

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Glenn Beck one of Ron Paul's Best Friends???

Yesterday on Wake Up America I interviewed Peter Schiff a Fox News & CNBC contributor and President of Euro Pacific Capitol who endorsed Ron Paul back in June 07. He argues Ron Paul as the hope for America with regard to the economy and many other issues facing our nation today.

During this interview Schiff says "Glenn Beck is one of the best friends Ron Paul has on television". I then asked him about Beck's reference to Paul supporters being terrorists...

Listen here:

I must say, since his attack on Ron Paul supporters back in November Glenn Beck has given Ron Paul an one hour interview on his CNN Glenn Beck Show and yesterday he interviewed Ron Paul on his radio show telling Congressman Ron Paul "I think you are the closest we have running to a founding father. You seem to be the only guy who has actually read the federalist papers. So I appreciate your efforts, sir."

Beck's interview trans script here:

Has Beck decided to help Ron Paul? IS he the best friend Ron Paul has on TV? Do you think Glenn Beck going to endorse Congressman Ron Paul? OR, should he just continue interviewing the good Doctor on issues they agree on? Let me know your thoughts...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Russ Michaels Producer/Director HBO Special documentary "Hacking Democracy"

Hacking Democracy was nominated for an 2007 EMMY® Award in the category OUTSTANDING INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM - LONG FORM.
Friday Jan 25th
9am est Russ Michaels Producer/Director HBO Special documentary "Hacking Democracy"
Listen here:

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Peter Schiff Speaks out on Ron Paul's Sound Economic Policy

Wednesday January 23rd Special Guest Peter Schiff

Jan. 23rd at 11am est
Tune in and find out what is happening in the market and why Ron Paul's monetary policies are the solution to the state of our nation. Peter Schiff officially endorsed Ron Paul last summer and we are fortunate to have him joining us again on Wake Up America

Peter Schiff -Financial Anylyst and one of the few non-biased investment advisors( a Fox News Contributor

Listen here:

His best-selling book, "Crash Proof: How to Profit from the Coming Economic Collapse"

Monday, January 21, 2008

Jan. 21st-25th Guest Interview archives

This week on Wake Up America we have a great line up of guests helping the Ron Paul Campaign:

We will be updating these files shortly after each show please check back often. Check below to listen now:

Monday Jan. 21
9am est Murray Sabrin - NJ Meet up Coordinator and US Senate 2008 Candidate

Dr. Murray Sabrin is running for office and discussed what needs to be done to get a Ron Paul win in New Jersey

Listen here:

10am est Andrew Axsom - Louisiana Field Coordinator

Andrew Axsom says they expect a possible sweep for Ron Paul in Louisiana and he explains why.

Listen here:

Tuesday Jan 22nd
9am est Talk show open call in lines

10am est Deborah Wells & Ryan Fisher - Missouri Field Coordinators

Find out about Missouri's winner take all state and the importance of delegate and precinct captain's.

Listen here:

Wednesday Jan 23rd
9am est
Theresa Harmon - Tennessee Campaign Spokesman

Theresa talks about how to get involved with canvassing for Ron Paul in Tennessee and the significance of Fred Thompson dropping out of the race.

Listen here:

10am est Charlene Nelson - North Dakota State Coordinator

Here Charlene describe the delegate process in North Dakota and what voters are most concerned about and how to become a precinct leader.

Listen here:

11am est Peter Schiff -

Peter Schiff explains why Ron Paul is the only candidate that will help our economy get turned around and he also says Glen Beck is one of the best friends Ron Paul has on television and why.

Listen here:

Thursday Jan 24th
9am est Talk show open call in lines

10am est Carl Bruning - Colorado State Coordinator

Here Carl discuss Colorado Caucus and how you can get involved in helping Ron Paul win. Also, during the second hour below Carl discusses Ron Paul's platform on many important issues facing our country today.

Listen here:

Friday Jan 25th
9am est
Russ Michaels Producer/Director HBO Special documentary "Hacking Democracy"

In the interview below Russ discusses the flaws in our electronic voting systems the legal blocks and the private corporations that control how your vote is counted. He continues to demonstrate investigative reporting as they watch the recount in the New Hampshire primary show massive discrepancy in the paper vs. electronic vote counts.

Listen here:

10am est Kirk Shelley - Oklahoma State Coordinator

Kirk discusses Ron Paul's platform the incredible activism motivation of supporters in Oklahoma and the US. He explains the delegate process and how to get involved in the upcoming caucus.

Listen here:

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Ron Paul Campaign Guest Line Up

Here is the line up of Ron Paul Campaign State Coordinators and Meet up leaders for the Jan. 21-25. All these guests will be discussing issues related to their state and what it will take to get a win for Ron Paul. Topics: Delegates and voting procedures, Precinct Leadership efforts/Campaign communications for supporters and other important issues for that state.
Brought to you by Wake Up America and Ron Paul Revolution Radio:
To Listen click here:

Monday Jan. 21
9am est Murray Sabrin - NJ Meet up Coordinator and US Senate 2008 Candidate

10am est Andrew Axsom - Louisiana Field Coordinator

Tuesday Jan 22nd
9am est Talk show open call in lines

10am est Deborah Wells - Missouri Field Coordinator

Wednesday Jan 23rd
9am est Theresa Harmon - Tennessee Campaign Spokesman

10am est Charlene Nelson - North Dakota State Coordinator

Thursday Jan 24th
9am est Talk show open call in lines

10am est Carl Bruning - Colorado State Coordinator

Friday Jan 25th
9am est Talk show open call in lines

10am est Kirk Shelley - Oklahoma State Coordinator

Ron Paul State Coordinators Speak Out

We are having great success inviting Campaign Coordinators/Meetup Leaders for Ron Paul 2008 in each state. They are providing important information about their state, the ins and outs of winning the election. This past week we've had the following guests:

Georgia St. Coordinator, Ike Hall
Listen here:

Alabama St. Coordinator, Brian Roughton
Listen here:

South Carolina RP Spokesman, Tim Manning
Listen here:

Maine Meetup Organizer, Thomas Golebiewski
Listen here:

Minnesota St. Coordinator, Marianne Stebbins
Listen here:

Illinois State Coordinator, Joe Cesarone
Listen here:

Upcoming schedule will be posted soon. Check back to find out when your state is coming on