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Monday, July 14, 2008

Bryan, Raymond, Rahn and A-G1RL, Rick and BTM Viewers THANKS!!

Big shout out to Bryan, Raymond, Rahn and A-G1RL for their amazing efforts in bringing the freedom movement "together". That was the output/outcome which occurred on Saturday-bringing freedom minded "individual citizens of the US" together.

Bryan and Raymond of Revolution Broadcasting thru this incredible coordination of the march invited their good friend and BTM's A-G1RL to walk with them leading the march, while Rahn on his own initiative utilized BTM's platform impromptu to bring us (those who couldn't attend) visual/audio coverage which there was none from our MSM sellouts. Rahn and A-G1RL bringing us "together" with our friends at the march-HUGE success.

Let’s not forget Rick Williams and his tireless effort to carry the network in studio coverage for the entire time during long-live event coverage breaks taking calls, talking freedom and maintaining a consistent viewer ship of 400-500. Keeping us "together" and having a serious-party focused on the concerns of today, educating us on the core root causes of the attacks on freedom and taking calls from some of the most insightful, grounded, clear minded freedom voices out there (the viewers).

Thank you big time to "the viewers" the ones who watched and especially the ones who called into the show. WOW!! We have some amazing people across this country who truly understand how important it is to be free and the critical thinking plus insight clearly is in the viewers of BTM, their contribution to Saturday's coverage in some ways carried the day for me. BTM viewer callers were powerfully-inspiring demonstrating the force of caring Americans nationwide and they brought us "together" too.

All I can say to the very miniscule base of shillish-naysayers with your pitiful efforts to fracture the freedom cause and keep us divided is you are failing and your glaring defects to try putting others down to build yourselves up is sadly transparent.

The visionaries of the freedom cause and the overwhelming majority have enough sense to know:

United we Stand ~ Divided we Fall

So big shout out to you, Saturday’s shining visionaries:

Bryan~Raymond~Rahn~A-G1RL~Rick Williams and the BTM Viewers/Callers of America

Thank you