Breaking the apathy perpetuated by the Mainstream Media and politics as usual. Wake Up America airs live on Break The Matrix Join us M-F 9-11am EST.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fox's Andy Levy inteviews Ron Paul and Break The Matrix!

Andy Levy of Fox News interviews Ron Paul and others at the Rally for the Republic...he even interviewed me about Break the Matrix....

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Heres the full footage uncut and recorded by Break the Matrix...

Vote it up here...

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Adam Kokesh interview by Kurt Wallace at the Rally for the Republic

Here is the entire interview with Adam Kokesh of

Adam will join me Monday Sept. 8th at 9am eastern goto Channel 1 and dont forget to vote the "Break It" button below.

Do you want to get involved in this interview? Send me an email to my BTM Blog:

Watch the full interview from backstage of the Rally for the Republic now!!