Breaking the apathy perpetuated by the Mainstream Media and politics as usual. Wake Up America airs live on Break The Matrix Join us M-F 9-11am EST.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Leo Zagami 33rd Degree Freemason Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
Show starts 9am eastern
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
S.E. CUPP co-author Why You're Wrong About the Right on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
Show starts 9am eastern Wednesday Jan. 28th
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Monday, January 26, 2009
Financial Fitness w/ Dr. Janice Dorn on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Neo-Nazi enrollment program by Rahm Emanuel
Rahm Emanuel plans to force you, your children and your grandchildren to enroll in a universal service. What happens to the freedom of those who wish not to participate? This is a violation of your individual rights. Americans do not need to be forced to give. This man creates the perception that Americans need to be told to give and Government must enslave us to give for the better good of the collective whole.
This man is telling you that he believes most Americans have no ability to tap into the goodness without Government interference-that you are unable to bestow upon your youth the benefit of helping each other.
This manipulator is going on the top of the list of those to be Unmasked on the brand new upcoming Fred Brito Radio Show w/Kurt Wallace
Sign up for the email list today at
Tom Mullen author A Return to Common Sense on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
Tom Mullen author A Return to Common Sense on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace Monday January 26th 10am Eastern
Show starts at 9am
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Solutions or more of the same?
The tired arguments and excuses to justify the imperialist propaganda will not end, it's ploys to entice fear based reactions will not end and the purchase of these ideas across the political and corporate spectrum will not end. The followers of this talk fall into "Reacting" rather than encouraging proactive solution based responses to terrorism or rogue enemies of the US with intelligent recourse. And this is an old outdated model of tyranny and imperialism. As a Recovering Neocon I understand the difficult transition (metamorphosis) it takes to see with clarity and real knowledge with regard to foreign policy.
First we have to change our thinking on toying with energy rich countries or otherwise and come to terms with how unimportant we are to them if we weren't pushing them around for our benefit on many levels. THEN, we look at the US Constitution and IT's given authority to deal with those who may STILL want to hurt us just because we wear high top Converse shoes.
Solution for dealing with the McAmerica Haters of the world who will use violence against us?
TAaaaDeDAAAAAAH!! drum roll please...
Letters of Marque and Reprisal!!
To learn more about OUR very real solution read: "Letters of Marque and Reprisal" by Fred Foldvary
This authority granted to our representatives is hardly if ever discussed or argued against by the MSM or by any NEOCONS IN RED, BLUE OR dare I say NEOCON-LP CARDHOLDERS. Why? Because it doesn't feed into reaction, overblown emotion or profits, SOooooH it is suppressed as there is no logical basis to discount this credible solution. Blatant cover-up, shutdown and denial is the only viable option for the above opponents of non-interventionist foreign policy.
Let's use group thinking and say there are two types of people in this world:
1. Those who ACT (Faith and Empowerment) or "Actionists" in this context meaning those who Uphold Liberty and Freedom through adherence to the principles of Natural Law **NOT the Vienna types**
2. Those who REACT (Fear and Weakness) or "Reactionists" definition found here a. fits well)
Actionists use the premise of principles thus grounded judgement ensues, Reactionists use a premise of personalities and poor judgement naturally follows.
Take a look at today's troubling situation:
Iraq and Afghanistan = Reactionists' shotgun approach of invading these countries with mass ignorance about the populations, cultures and religions. Thus, many of the "Reactionist" arguments I see are rooted in an arrogant perspective of soft-racism. This will continue to create desperate equal reaction rooted in the same "Middle East Reactionist" arguments against the US and the cycle continues. Hundreds of thousands die and millions of lives are disrupted and destroyed.
For a book that helps those ages 3 and up to learn about this absurd paradigm I recommend reading Dr. Suess "The Sneetches and Other Stories"
Letters of Marque and Reprisal = Act upon principles of using a scope to directly targeting the enemy. This Actionist policy would require intelligence and faith in the better nature of people around the world and a respect for Natural Law. It would of course stop the above process, stop the fear, stop the unbalanced industries of profit, blowback, unintended consequences and conserve lives, money and energy. It would encourage personal responsibility, creative ingenuity and cater to integrity. And most of all it would work!
If by some strange reason E didn't = mc2 anymore then the option of displacing and killing civilians creating more blow back in the name of "they" ALL hate us because we exist would still not be an answer...
My question to the human race...what gives with the abstract pro-war propaganda vs. a Natural Law strategy as demonstrated throughout history of man? Will we ever learn to Act rather than React? To use principles over personalities? To respect innocent life vs. indulge state rationale war? To be thoughtful rather than emotional? To be dignified over being justified?
Ultimately excuses are for those giving them! right?
Once we begin to understand Natural Law, cause and effect, unintended consequences, Action vs. Reaction we begin to realize the perpetual status quo argument for preemptive war is really a resistance to the God-conscious or the lil voice inside. Then principles of truth start to make sense - "To thine own self be true"or "Step on the toes of others and they retaliate" and St. Francis Prayer comes to mind
Results from understanding these principles in a nutshell are that we stop falling into the "Sneetches Trap"and We Grow Up! But the narrow pass of denying universal truths and the road of cognitive dissonance must first be taken and that is a very personal journey.
"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation." Herbert Spencer
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Kurt Wallace
Host of Wake Up America
& Recovering Neocon
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Scott Horton Anti War Radio on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
Scott Horton of Anti War Radio will join us at Wake Up America w/ Kurt Wallace Friday Jan. 23 10am Eastern.
We will discuss his experience and background and the present state of the US policies around the world.
Show begins at 9am Eastern
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Jeff Frazee Young Americans For Liberty on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
Jeff Frazee of Young Americans For Liberty will join us at the Wake Up America show w/Kurt Wallace to discuss his organization and the Liberty Generation!
Shows starts 9am Eastern Wednesday Jan. 21st
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Jesse Benton responds today on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
Monday, January 19, 2009
Barack Obama's New America
Overlooking the capitol viewing area, an ocean of snow capped chairs peaceful and waiting for the frenzy of teary eyed onlookers. Adoring lovers of the image and portrayal for a new America. A man to carry us into the future of a new America. A rebirth of vision for a new America. Parades with the pride of a winning spirit to revitalize the people in a new America.
Ask someone on the streets of DC why they like our next President and you will get a clear, clean sample of the admiration of a man as a symbol of something better. Hope, Change, Yes We Can. Seems a powerful recipe for new heights in a new America that is being felt nationwide. The 44th President Barack Obama and the euphoria of a new era.
But what does Barack Obama represent? What are his policies? Do they represent the American people? Is he looking out for the individual American? Does he represent principles of Freedom and Liberty?
When interviewing Fred Brito reporter in DC today about his conversations with people attending President elect Barack Obama's swearing in to uphold the United States Constitution (as it is actually written?) they were genuinely excited. Questions came to mind, does Obama plan to carry out the oath of office? Will people know it if he doesn't and will they even care?
This is what Fred had to say about interviewing people on the streets of DC...
"People are drunk with this new image of a president being sworn in and I asked them, Do you really understand what Obama is saying?"
Glossy twinkling eyed stares...
"Do you know the real Barack Obama?"
One response - Well yeah he's the person who is going to champion the lives of the disenfranchised and help out the middle class
"How? Do you really know what his policies are going to do and how they will impact average Americans?"
Thats where they get stuck, they have no idea of his background, where he comes from or who his court of advisors are thus the glazed over eyes once again...
After speaking with Fred it made me consider what direction are we actually going? Why and who is to blame for the mess of our nation?
When the President elect is sworn in tomorrow ask yourself I ready for Barack Obama's New America? If you approve of what we got from the Bush administration and their friends the Democratically controlled congress the answer is obvious. You are definately ready!
Jesse Benton of Ron Paul campaign & Campaign for Liberty exclusive interview
This is a follow up to an interview I did today with Nick Egoroff who was part of the Ron Paul efforts in Florida and has spoken out against CFL. He is very critical of Mark Cross State Coordinator for CFL, Jesse Benton and the leadership efforts of CFL. Nick even suggested in the interview that everyone withdraw from CFL membership.
You can find that interview in (open source)OGG format here:
In order to play (open source)OGG format I recommend VLC Free Media Player just search it on the web.
We will get Jesse Benton's response tomorrow morning so tune in!
Show starts 9am eastern!
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Financial Fitness w/ Dr. Janice Dorn on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Toxic Economic Plundering, How to do it? Who has the best plan to take your money? And will it work? Or are you still Americans?
I've been asked by many friends over the past several months which of the lesser of the two evils was less bad for America and my answer is always the doesn't matter. Neither of the conjoined twins of the Purple-Republicrat-UniParty represent sound economic policy as it relates to the American Individual and the value of your dollar. However, there are some differences on how to execute the Toxic Economic Plundering...
Socialism (Obamites) - It is the aim of Socialism to transfer the means of production and wealth from private ownership to the ownership of organized society, to the State. The socialistic State owns all material factors of production and thus directs it. It rates the needs of each recipient based on state regulated factors thus forcing individuals to attain status not true to themselves resulting in loss of freedom.
State Corporatism (Bushites) - While classical corporatism and its intellectual successor, neo-corporatism (and their critics) emphasize the role of corporate bodies in influencing government decision-making, corporatism used in the context of the study of authoritarian or autocratic states, usually refers to a process by which the state uses officially-recognized organizations as a tool for restricting public participation in the political process and limiting the power of civil society.
Both methods are a means to an end. But do either of these Jack-Dumbos really possess or advocate "true knowledge"? Of course not! What about those who do?
As the economy continues to be raped by the elite Kaynesian class of War Profiticians and the We Take and You Shalt Not Receive Socialists, a massive reaction is occuring with one very real factor and possibly the most powerful force that being the American Individual. Our American society does have an understanding of Individual Rights Freedom and Liberty like no other...its in our DNA!
The American Individual
Economic Individualism (Awake and dormant Americans) The doctrine of economic individualism holds that each individual should be allowed autonomy in making his or her own economic decisions as opposed to those decisions being made by the state, or the community, for him or her. Moreover, it often advocates the private ownership of property as opposed to state or collective arrangements. Though some argue these ideals are lost on the mass population, I propose that it may lay dormant with most Americans but - IT IS THERE!
Let's look at Individualism and US history
At the time of the formation of the United States, many of its citizens had fled from state, religious and economic oppression in Europe and were influenced by the egalitarian and fraternal ideals that later found expression in the French revolution. Such ideas influenced the framers of the U.S. Constitution (the Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans) who believed that the government should seek to protect individual rights in the constitution itself; this idea later led to the Bill of Rights.
According to Ronald Scollon, the "fundamental American ideology of individualism" can be
1. The individual is the basis of all reality and all society.
2. The individual is defined by what he or she is not. American individualism emphasizes that the individual is not subject to arbitrary laws, and not subject to domination by historical precedent and preference
We are on the doorstep of a movement a result of unintended consequences as our free American society has gradually become enslaved by the economic-political power elites.
The time has now come for an American Individual Rights Movement. What will this look like? Will the "Real Knowledge" and America's spirit prevail?
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Andrew F. Quinlan Guest on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
Watch Andrew Quinlan's latest video on Kaynesian Economics here:
Show starts 9am eastern
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Delia Lopez on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
This is our first segment of Freedom Candidates 08 where are they now?
Delia Lopez will be with us to discuss supporting 435 freedom candidates nationwide
Join us on the Wake Up America show w/Kurt Wallace.
You can catch the show live at:
(Chat room available here only)
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Financial Fitness w/ Dr. Janice Dorn on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
Join us as we discuss Economic taboos and the reality of our system. Dr. Janice Dorn is a Financial Neurobehavorist ready to answer your questions on the Wake Up America show w/Kurt Wallace.
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Alison Weir of Guest on Wake Up America w/ Kurt Wallace
American freelance journalist, Alison Weir of, who traveled independently throughout the West Bank and Gaza Strip in February and March of 2001. Ms. Weir found a situation largely the reverse of what was being reported by the American media.
You can watch her analysis here:
Alison Weir Will join us on Wake Up America Show Monday Jan. 12 at 10am eastern.
You can catch the show live at:
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Dr. Dahlia Wasfi on Wake Up America w/Kurt Wallace
See you in the chat...
Be a Leader in Liberty!
Kurt Wallace