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Friday, January 23, 2009

Solutions or more of the same?

The tired arguments and excuses to justify the imperialist propaganda will not end, it's ploys to entice fear based reactions will not end and the purchase of these ideas across the political and corporate spectrum will not end. The followers of this talk fall into "Reacting" rather than encouraging proactive solution based responses to terrorism or rogue enemies of the US with intelligent recourse. And this is an old outdated model of tyranny and imperialism. As a Recovering Neocon I understand the difficult transition (metamorphosis) it takes to see with clarity and real knowledge with regard to foreign policy.

First we have to change our thinking on toying with energy rich countries or otherwise and come to terms with how unimportant we are to them if we weren't pushing them around for our benefit on many levels. THEN, we look at the US Constitution and IT's given authority to deal with those who may STILL want to hurt us just because we wear high top Converse shoes.

Solution for dealing with the McAmerica Haters of the world who will use violence against us?

TAaaaDeDAAAAAAH!! drum roll please...

Letters of Marque and Reprisal!!

To learn more about OUR very real solution read: "Letters of Marque and Reprisal" by Fred Foldvary

This authority granted to our representatives is hardly if ever discussed or argued against by the MSM or by any NEOCONS IN RED, BLUE OR dare I say NEOCON-LP CARDHOLDERS. Why? Because it doesn't feed into reaction, overblown emotion or profits, SOooooH it is suppressed as there is no logical basis to discount this credible solution. Blatant cover-up, shutdown and denial is the only viable option for the above opponents of non-interventionist foreign policy.

Let's use group thinking and say there are two types of people in this world:

1. Those who ACT (Faith and Empowerment) or "Actionists" in this context meaning those who Uphold Liberty and Freedom through adherence to the principles of Natural Law **NOT the Vienna types**

2. Those who REACT (Fear and Weakness) or "Reactionists" definition found here a. fits well)

Actionists use the premise of principles thus grounded judgement ensues, Reactionists use a premise of personalities and poor judgement naturally follows.

Take a look at today's troubling situation:

Iraq and Afghanistan = Reactionists' shotgun approach of invading these countries with mass ignorance about the populations, cultures and religions. Thus, many of the "Reactionist" arguments I see are rooted in an arrogant perspective of soft-racism. This will continue to create desperate equal reaction rooted in the same "Middle East Reactionist" arguments against the US and the cycle continues. Hundreds of thousands die and millions of lives are disrupted and destroyed.

For a book that helps those ages 3 and up to learn about this absurd paradigm I recommend reading Dr. Suess "The Sneetches and Other Stories"

Letters of Marque and Reprisal = Act upon principles of using a scope to directly targeting the enemy. This Actionist policy would require intelligence and faith in the better nature of people around the world and a respect for Natural Law. It would of course stop the above process, stop the fear, stop the unbalanced industries of profit, blowback, unintended consequences and conserve lives, money and energy. It would encourage personal responsibility, creative ingenuity and cater to integrity. And most of all it would work!

If by some strange reason E didn't = mc2 anymore then the option of displacing and killing civilians creating more blow back in the name of "they" ALL hate us because we exist would still not be an answer...

My question to the human race...what gives with the abstract pro-war propaganda vs. a Natural Law strategy as demonstrated throughout history of man? Will we ever learn to Act rather than React? To use principles over personalities? To respect innocent life vs. indulge state rationale war? To be thoughtful rather than emotional? To be dignified over being justified?

Ultimately excuses are for those giving them! right?

Once we begin to understand Natural Law, cause and effect, unintended consequences, Action vs. Reaction we begin to realize the perpetual status quo argument for preemptive war is really a resistance to the God-conscious or the lil voice inside. Then principles of truth start to make sense - "To thine own self be true"or "Step on the toes of others and they retaliate" and St. Francis Prayer comes to mind

Results from understanding these principles in a nutshell are that we stop falling into the "Sneetches Trap"and We Grow Up! But the narrow pass of denying universal truths and the road of cognitive dissonance must first be taken and that is a very personal journey.

"There is a principle which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation." Herbert Spencer

Be a Leader in Liberty!

Kurt Wallace
Host of Wake Up America
& Recovering Neocon

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